Communicating Risk Associated with Smog – The Role Information Format and Content Play on the Perception of Risk and Preventive Actions


  • Joanna Malcherek-Łabiak SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, II Wydział Psychologii we Wrocławiu
  • Angelika Olszewska SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, II Wydział Psychologii we Wrocławiu
  • Agata Sobków SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, II Wydział Psychologii we Wrocławiu



smog, risk perception, risk communication, communication format


Smog is a serious threat whose consequences are delayed in time. The difficulty with imagining its consequences and the lack of understanding of the mechanisms underlying smog may cause the risk to be underestimated. Nevertheless, recent research on communicating risk has revealed that visual aids may help people better understand risk and probability.
This study examines factors that can affect the perception of smog-related risk and the perceived importance of actions that may help to prevent this risk (risk diffusing operators). To test our hypothesis, we manipulated both the format of information being presented about smog (text vs graphics) and the content (consequences of smog vs consequences and causes of smog). The results showed that the information format was irrelevant both for the perception of risk and for the importance of risk diffusing operators. However, the inclusion of information about the causes of smog in communication increased the perceived importance of various activities that can both reduce smog and its impact on health.


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