The Socio-economic Dimension of Industry in Subregions


  • Beata Bal-Domańska Wrocław University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism in Jelenia Góra, Department of Regional Economy



industry, subregions (NUTS-3), classification, synthetic measure of development


Industry is one of the key sectors of the economy, which affects a number of other areas as well as society and the environment. In its socio-economic dimension it has impact on the job market, wages, innovation, and the competitiveness of enterprises and territorial units.
The purpose of this article is to classify and assess the situation of 72 Polish subregions (NUTS-3) in terms of industrialisation as one of the components affecting the level and structure of subregional development. The classification was performed on the basis of employment structure and regional productivity data with reference to gross added value. Due to data availability the analysis was carried out based on the information about the activity of enterprises in PKD (Polish Statistical Classification of Economic Activities) sections B to F (including construction) in the years 2010–2014 and for selected aspects in 2015. The study applied classification methods (Ward method) and linear ordering (SDM with a common development model). The analysis allowed the author to identify classes of subregions presenting a particular industrial development profile (general, social or economic) and characterised by one development type in accordance with L. Klaassen’s classification.
The conclusions resulting from the presented analysis indicate visible differences in the role played by industry in subregions as a regional employer (social aspect) or economic leader (economic aspect). The results of the change dynamics analysis pointed to a strengthening of the role of industry in subregions in terms of the economic aspect and a simultaneous decline in the importance of the social aspect (in this study related to jobs).


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