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Author Guidelines

Editorial requirements for Authors submitting articles for publication in "Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia"

1. "Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia" is published twice a year.
2. In order to ensure the timely issuance of "Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia" the Editorial Committee with the Editor-in-Chief set deadlines for individual numbers of "Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia" in the Cracow University of Economics Press. The current deadlines for submitting articles are March 31 and September 30; however, after articles have been collected for a particular number, new articles can be submitted for the next.
3. Work submitted by an Author should be original and unpublished, and should not have been submitted to another journal for publication.
4. The editors of „Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia” use the Crossref Similarity Check anti-plagiarism service powered by iThenticate to verify the originality of articles submitted to the journal.
5. The Authors are obliged to disclose information about all individuals and/or organisations that have contributed to the creation of work submitted for publication (technical input, material, financial, etc.).
6. In the event of non-compliance with these guidelines, the text may be either rejected or returned to the Author so he/she may make the appropriate changes.
7. The Authors receive no compensation for publishing an article and sign a statement in which they agree to publish free of charge.
8. The texts of articles are accepted for publication within set limits. The volume of scientific articles printed in "Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia" should not exceed 1.0 standard unit of text length (app. 40000 characters).
9. In addition to articles, the results of scientific research, conference reports, and reviews of recent publications may be sent for consideration.

Articles for the "Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia" should be sent to the secretaries of the Editorial Committee from a user account.



The author signs a declaration stating that the article is original, does not infringe the copyright of others and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Preparing the article

1. The paper should have a maximum of 8000 words including tables, figures, references, footnotes, an abstract in English and Polish, keywords in English and Polish and appendices (allow 280 words for each figure or table).

2. The text of the article should be complete and be laid out as follows:
– the name of the author(s) and his/her (their) affiliation,
– the title of the article,
– abstracts in English and Polish (see below: the article abstracts),
– keywords n English and Polish,
– JEL classification (

Main text:
– introduction (which, among its other functions, defines the subject and purpose of the article),
– literature review / existing studies / theoretical basis,
– research methods,
– research results / findings,
– discussion,
– conclusion,
– acknowledgments,
– appendices (as appropriate),
– a list of the literature cited and noted in accordance with the rules introduced below.

3. The article should be written with respect to the following rules/parameters:
– Document size: A4, programme: Word, font: Times New Roman
– Margins: left – 25 mm, right – 35 mm
– Top and bottom margins – 25 mm
– Font size: main body of text – 12 point
– Footnotes and bibliography – 10 point
– Line spacing – 1.5

4. Typewritten pages should be numbered consecutively.


Please attach an abstract in English and in Polish if possible (each of up to 280 words) and 4–6 keywords, also in both languages. Both should be done with the title of the article.

The abstract should be structured according to the following rules. Otherwise, the text will not be accepted by the publisher. The abstract must reflect the content of the article.

The abstract should consist of paragraphs with the following:
– MOTIVES for taking up the topic – the author should provide the background that prompted to take up the topic and justify the importance of the problem,
– PURPOSE – what the author intended to achieve in the research and the paper, objectives can be given in the form of concise research questions,
– RESEARCH HYPOTHESES – assumed answers to the research questions posed, which are subject to verification during the research,
– RESEARCH METHOD – the author should list and briefly describe the method used and the method of obtaining data,
– MAIN RESEARCH RESULTS – the main research results should be given in relation to the adopted hypotheses; to what extent the intended objectives were achieved and (optionally) what is the starting point for further research.

References and bibliography

1. References to literature are done in the “author–year format”. This system requires that, after reference to a publication of another author is made, the name of the author and year his or her work was published be provided in the main body of the text. However, how this information is provided depends on the context of the sentence.

For example,

Z. Grabias (1994) relates the concept of the discourse to a definition of social interaction.

This is reflected by, for instance, placing research declaratively above written text in the context of discourse analysis (de Beaugrande 1985).

2. If a publication has two authors, both names should be given and linked using the conjunction &; for example: (Smith & Smith 1996). When there are three authors, the conjunction & should be placed in front of the last name, eg: (Malinowski, Smith & Smith 1996).

3. If there are more than three authors, the surname of each should be provided in the bibliography; however, when quoting such authors’ work, only the surname of the first author should be provided, in brackets, along with the abbreviation et al.

4. When referring to a joint publication whose cover and title page indicate the name of the scientific editor (and not the names of the authors of the individual parts of the work), the main body of the text should include the title or its shortened version and year of publication, not the surname of the editor; for example: (Innovative Economy… 2013). The publication should be listed in the bibliography by the title while the surname of the editor follows the year of publication, eg. Innovative Economy as the Object of Investigation in Theoretical Economics (2013) A. Malawski (ed.). See point 10 for other aspects of describing a publication in the bibliography.

5. When several publications by one author are cited, published in the same year, consecutive lowercase letters should be added (without spaces) after the date, eg. (Nowak 1991a, 1991b, 1991c). These denotations should also be used in the bibliography.

6. Bibliographical information of a cited publication should be enclosed in brackets. The page number should be included after the year, ie (Kowalski 1984, p. 25).

7. Bibliographical information for multiple authors cited at once should be separated by commas, ie (Kowalski 1984, Nowak 1986), or, where page numbers are cited, by semi-colons, ie (Kowalski 1984, p. 153; Nowak 1986, p. 15). 8. A bibliography should be attached at the end of the paper.

9. The bibliography should include all cited work; it should not include work to which the author does not refer in the text.

10. The literature entries should be ordered alphabetically by author surname (with the exception of collective works in which the first element in the bibliographical entry is the title, and not the name of scientific editor – see point 4), and works by a single author should be entered according to the years of publication (from earliest to most recent). Bibliographic information should be included from the cited material.

Each entry should include:
– the surname and first letter of the name of the author or authors
– the year the piece was published in brackets
– the title of the work (in italics) and
– if there is one – a subtitle, separated by a full-stop
– Arabic numerals indicating the order of publication, ie 2nd ed., 3 Aufl.
– the place of publication
– the name of the publisher.


Stiglitz, J. E. (2000) Economics of the Public Sector. 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton.

Salamaga, M. (2013) “A Comparative Analysis of the Regional Development of the Visegrad Group Countries” in J. Pociecha (ed.) Quantitative Methods for the Analysis of the Economic and Social Consequences of Transition Processes in Central-East European Countries. Cracow: Cracow University of Economics Press.

Where publications from journals are cited, the following should be included:
– the surname and first letter of the author’s name
– the year of publication set off in brackets
– the title of the article (in quotation marks)
– the title of the journal (in italics)
– the volume, edition or issue number
– the page range of the article
if an article has a DOI number, please include it, following the address


Saltelli, A. (2002) “Sensitivity Analysis for Importance Assessment”. Risk Analysis 22(3): 579–90.

Stachura, M. (2004) “Z zachodniego na nasz”. Gazeta Wyborcza. February 10th.

Chang, E. J., Lima, E. J. A. and Tabak, B. M. (2004) “Testing for Predictability in Emerging Equity Markets”. Emerging Markets Review 5(3): 295–316,

Where online publications are referenced, the internet address where the text was first published should be provided, along with the date of access in brackets and preceded by the word “accessed”.

11. Individual items of literature should not be numbered.

12. For foreign work, titles, publisher names, and place of publication should be written in the original language, and elements expressed in any non-latin alphabet should observe the rules of transliteration.

13. Notes should take the form of footnotes, with continuous numbering throughout the article.


Each citation should contain the bibliographical information in the “author–year format”. Short quotes may be incorporated in the main text and put in quotation marks, while larger quotes (at least several lines), should be set apart from the main text by smaller font.


1. Tables should be done in Word or Excel. Other programmes may be used provided they are saved in one of these formats: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, rtf, txt. We recommend that large volume tables also be attached as supplementary files to the main file with the article covering the whole text (step 4 of the process of submitting the article to be published through the OJS system).

2. Tables should not be done with raster graphics programmes such as Photoshop.

3. At the foot of every table should be written the source or whether it was done by the author or on the basis of another author’s work, eg, author’s own calculations, author’s own elaboration on the basis of Poissonnier (2017, p. 25).

4. Notes accompanying tables should be placed directly beneath them.

5. Boxes should not be left blank. Where there is a lack of data, use the following characters:
– a dash (–) if a phenomenon does not occur;
– zero (0) if  a phenomenon exists, but in amounts smaller than the numbers that can be shown in the table expressed in digits. For example, if production is expressed in thousands of tonnes, a 0 means that production in a given case does not reach 0.5 thousand tonnes;
– dot (.) – data not available or not reliable;
– x – the layout of the table makes filling the boxes in the table impossible or impracticable.
– “Including” means that not all of the elements of the total are given.

Drawings, diagrammes, and graphs

1. The source should be provided for all drawings, diagrammes and graphs.

2. Illustrations, diagrammes, and graphs created in MS Word should be done using the graphs option in that programme.

3. Illustrations, diagrammes, and graphs included in an article, which were created using another programme, should be additionally saved or exported to vector format (pdf, ai, eps, ps, xls), or saved as metadata. They should be attached to other materials to be sent to the publisher in a separate folder and attached as supplementary files to the main file with the article covering the whole text (step 4 of the process of submitting the article to be published through the OJS system). We recommend using Excel, Statistica, Pajek, UCI net to create graphics.

4. Only still images and screen shots should be saved using raster formats (psd, tif, jpg).

5. The recommended format for figures and tables is: 12.4 cm x 16 cm, while the font size should be 9 point.

Mathematical Formulae

Articles with a large number of formulae should be prepared as follows:
– single-level ones should be typed out using the keyboard,
– complex, multi-level formulae should be embedded using a formula editor, for example MathType.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article is original, does not infringe the copyright of others and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Illustrations, diagrammes, and graphs should be attached to other materials to be sent to the publisher in a separate folder.
  • The text adheres to the requirements outlined in the Submission Guidelines.
  • The article does not contain any information enabling the identification of its author(s) except for the author’s/authors’ name(s), affiliation(s) and other information located on the first page of the article.
  • As an author submitting an article for publication I have written a Declaration which: breaks down the percentage of my own contribution (and that of co-authors) to the work; states the source of funding for the publication; and attests that the publication I am submitting was prepared free of a conflict of interests between the author (authors) and other institutions, companies or organisations. The completed statement signed by the author (s) should be sent to: University of Economics in Cracow Press, ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków.
  • I agree to my article’s originality being verified in the Crossref Similarity Check service used by the editors of „Argumenta Oeconomica Cracoviensia”.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.