Taxonomy of the perceived benefits from using preferred brands of products from the perspective of the objectives pursued by the consumers


  • Anna Budzińska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • Oleg Gorbaniuk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • Magdalena Kolańska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin



brand image, brand usage, benefits, needs, goals, values


The key aim of this thesis was the elaboration of ataxonomy associated with perceived benefits derived from usage of certain brands of products. The subjects of the research, carried out by means of astandardized interview, were 163 students, aged 19-27 years (52% female). Abenefits questionnaire, specially designed for this study, was used in the research process. Analysis of the results generated 7 categories of benefits derived from the consumption of brands: relations with others, responsibility for oneself and others, social attraction, psychological well-being, physical health, self-contentment, and fulfillment of basic needs. The influence of the brands’ categories on the type of perceived benefits was observed as well. Subjective correlations and the relationship between the dimension of perceived benefits and the tendency toincorporate favorite brands into one’s self-image were analyzed. Finally, anumber of possible directions for future research on the topic were suggested.


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