Money Attitudes Questionnaire MAQ. Development and validation of a measurement scale


  • Agata Gąsiorowska Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej Wydział Zamiejscowy we Wrocławiu



money attitudes, individual differences


Money attitudes are defined as relatively stable dispositions to emotional reactions toward money, together with the accompanying evaluations, opinions, and capabilities ascribed to money and the dispositions to certain financial behavior. This paper presents a new Polish scale to measure money attitudes. The SPP Money Attitudes Questionnaire consists of 58 items grouped in seven dimensions: control and planning, power, anxiety, debt aversion, occasion seeking, root of evil, and preference for cash. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify the structure of the scale. Validation studies were conducted on several heterogenic samples (Composite N = 3375). The results show satisfactory reliability of the new scale, evaluated as internal consistency and test-retest reliability, and substantial internal and external validity.


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