Socially Responsible Management of Human Resources in SMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), human resources management (HRM), corporate social responsibility (CSR), COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
Objective: The paper examines whether the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced SMEs to take socially responsible actions in their HR management.
Research Design & Methods: The paper reviews the literature with regard to human resources management in SMEs and corporate social responsibility. Empirical research was carried out with a survey, with respondents filling out an online questionnaire. The research covered 241 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in south-eastern Poland.
Findings: The main research problem was the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the continuation of socially responsible activities in HR management at SMEs. The first hypothesis – that there is a correlation between the application of social responsibility before the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of socially responsible human resources management activities during the pandemic – was verified. The second hypothesis – that the implementation of socially responsible activities does not depend on the location of SMEs – was not confirmed.
Implications / Recommendations: The results of the research show that during the COVID-19 pandemic companies continued to combine employee performance assessments with CSR activities, rewarding socially responsible activities undertaken by employees, providing employees with favourable working conditions, and supporting them in training and professional development.
Contribution: The research and analysis both enrich the current scientific knowledge base on social responsibility with data on the social commitment of employers to employees in a crisis situation.
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