A Comparative Analysis of the Net Income and Other Comprehensive Income of the Largest Capital Group Listed on the Paris, Frankfurt and Warsaw Stock Exchanges
net income, other comprehensive income, comprehensive income, financial statement, IAS/IFRSAbstract
Objective: The aim of the study is to compare the net income and other comprehensive income of the hundred largest capital groups listed on the Paris, Frankfurt and Warsaw stock exchanges.
Research Design & Methods: The value of net income and other comprehensive income presented in the consolidated financial statements prepared according to international accounting standards and for the period 2016–2018 were analysed. Descriptive statistics methods, correlation analysis and statistical significance tests were used in the quantitative data analysis.
Findings: The statistical analysis carried out showed significant differences in the value of other comprehensive income in relation to the net income, as well as the existence of statistically significant correlations between these parameters.
Implications / Recommendations: The results verify the research hypotheses set out in the introduction. The hypotheses address the differentiation of the net income and other comprehensive income and the significant impact of other comprehensive income on the value of comprehensive income.
Contribution: A detailed comparative analysis of the net income and other comprehensive income in geographical and temporal terms and using statistical methods had not been carried out prior to the present study. The results presented are part of a wider stream of research into the usefulness of information presented in financial statements.
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