Motivating Diversified Employee Groups


  • Anna Jawor-Joniewicz Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych, Zakład Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi
  • Barbara Sajkiewicz Instytut Pracy i Spraw Socjalnych, Zakład Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi



diversity management, human resource management, engagement, motivational systems


Research shows that worker engagement influences their level of innovation and performance. In forming engagement, which employers so highly desire, and which can be accomplished with the use of effective instruments of motivation, an individual approach seems the most efficacious, as it allows for a fuller satisfaction of employee needs. The aim of this article is to analyse methods and tools for motivating different groups of employees, taking into account persons of different age, sex, education, function, work experience at the company and employed under different forms of employment. An attempt is made to determine if people who are similar in terms of the features listed above prefer similar instruments of motivation. The results of qualitative and quantitative research conducted by the Institute of Labor and Social Studies in Warsaw in 104 SME's are used in an effort to make that determination.


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How to Cite

Jawor-Joniewicz, A., & Sajkiewicz, B. (2017). Motivating Diversified Employee Groups. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 4(964), 27-47.